Kuzco FAQ
What is Epoch One?
Epoch One was the first Epoch of the Kuzco network. It ran from March 2024 to November 2024. Workers were able to earn $KZO tokens by providing compute resources to the network.
What is Epoch Two?
Epoch Two is the second Epoch of the Kuzco network. It is started running in December 2024. An end date has not been announced yet.
Where are my Epoch One rewards?
If you participated in Epoch One as a worker, you can view your Epoch One balance in the settings page of the Kuzco dashboard here (opens in a new tab).
Should I rent GPUs?
Kuzco is neutral on this topic. The majority of our users own the GPUs they use to run Kuzco.
I'm getting an error about Duplicate GPUs
We only allow one worker per logical GPU device. If you are getting this error while trying to start an instance, it is likely that an instance is already running on that GPU. If you are sure that no instance is running on that GPU, please open a ticket on the Discord server (opens in a new tab).
How do I get support?
If you need help with Kuzco, please join the Discord server (opens in a new tab) and open a ticket in the #support